Monday, June 30, 2008

In search of a summer anthem, part I

It wouldn't be a trip back home without some time spent digging through my old CDs and finding another ancient comp to upload onto my computer. This time around it was one that I had been looking for for maybe years now: the summer 2002 Drive-Thru Records compilation. True, even people who will still admit to being Drive-Thru enthusiasts for one fleeting moment of their youth will tell you that 2002 was a good year or two after the label had jumped the shark. And true to that, a few of the tracks on there have not held up well at all (even among the most die-hard of Movielife fans, I didn't know anyone who thought Steel Train didn't suck). But there are some bona fide pop-punk masterpieces on this disc. Here's my favorite:

Homegrown - "I'll Never Fall In Love"

What a summer anthem! Guaranteed to make you feel like you are fourteen again, nursing what could be sun poisoning because you were too cool to put on sunscreen at the Warped Tour. I was never a big Homegrown fan, but I've always loved this song; I would still contend that the beat in the beginning of this song when the drums kick in is one of the most sublime moments in the whole entire Drive-Thru discography. Here's an added bonus:

Allister - "Scratch"

I can think of no better time than right now, knee deep in summer, to roll the windows down and blast these tracks in your tricked out Civic. Or, you know, if you're really concerned with things as trivial as good taste, feel free to leave the windows up.

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